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Life insurance industry thanks retiring Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones

The Council of Australian Life Insurers acknowledges the significant contributions of Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones to improving customer outcomes in financial services. 

Assistant Treasurer Jones has been a strong advocate for creating lasting reforms that will secure Australians’ financial futures, including the Government’s Delivering Better Financial Outcomes reforms and promoting certainty for Australians on the use of genetic tests in life insurance. 

“Australia’s life insurance industry extends our sincere thanks to Assistant Treasurer Jones for his long-standing commitment to Australia’s financial services customers and collaborative approach with our industry,” Chris Cupitt, CALI CEO said. 

“Under his leadership, the Federal Government set out a pathway to reform to help make financial advice more accessible and affordable for all Australians. 

“We congratulate him on his retirement and acknowledge his dedicated public service to the Australian people.” 
